Growing through trials….

Years ago I was firmly but lovingly removed from a position I held at work. Though my leadership believed in my future potential as a leader, they felt like I needed to grow personally, and that remaining in my current position would hinder that growth. They gave me no concrete hope for future advancement, but added that they saw a lot of potential in me if I’d be willing to walk the path of growth.

I responded exactly the way my 5 year-old daughter would….only with less maturity.

As I was living my little pity party, I ran across a friend I hadn’t seen in some time. I energetically laid out before him my tale of woe – being careful to chronicle all the wrongs done to me.. He listened patiently, then looked at me and said something akin to , “I’m sorry to hear that, but you now have a great opportunity.”


He continued, “You could continue going through your life the way you always have, being tripped up by the same difficulties. ax-grinding-jigBut the time you’re being given is a gift! Remember, the woodsman never wastes his time when he stops to sharpen his ax.”

Twenty-some years later, I couldn’t be more grateful for my friend’s words. He gave me a great gift….the gift of seeing the futility of pounding the tree of my life with a dull ax. Sure, I could continue to beat away at the trunk with what amounts to a sledge hammer, but I’d leave the stump discouraged and exhausted. With a sharp tool, I can cut through it with effort, but without frustration and discouragement.

Thanks, Rob, for giving me the gift of seeing trials as a growth opportunity and not as punishment.

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